Monday, 7 November 2011

Urban Samurai

I was a little bit bored when suddenly a group notice arrived and caught my attention. Dura has moved its shop to a new sim and in order to celebrate the new shop Chiaki Xue (Dura owner/designer) has released a fantastic brand new hair. I felt so excited that I needed to post this new hair. It's also available there [click here for the new main shop].

First Post - LL Viewer 3 BETA | Starter Avatars Review

Alright, this is the first post. Not my first RL nor SL blog, which doesn't mean I'm a pro when it comes to blogging. I hope you like it. And, then, going straight to the point, the focus is on how Linden Labs is preparing new grounds for brand new residents. People whose skill about viewers is close to null.