Monday, 30 July 2012

Something in the static

Something in the static - Tableau Vivant, Ladies who Lunch, Emery, CheerNo, Fashion, Mens wear, Outfit, Second Life
Picture by Atlas Pastorelli on flickr.

When everything seems dead, but it's just the fear of steping outside our shell. Life is made of success, but also failures. For some people it's ok for humans to make mistakes, while others cannot tolarate it. Doing nothing is also an action and the time will pass by, liking it or not. Accepting one extra challenge might drive things beyond the comfort area. Does it really worth it? One would say to take it and never look back, even when ghosts from the past make themselves visible in the horizon? Hard to know, I guess I might answer that e-mail. LOL

So, having an itch I cannot ignore I went after things that would satisfy me in my second life, the result: shopping spree! Yay! It's been quite a time I've been wanting those trousers by Tableau Vivant, they look so modern, so my style, but after buying them, I really found a bit challenging for a good mix and match. Boots in the way I like were hard to match, only shirts weren't enough. I tried mesh jacket and the answer was NO! Then I remembered seeing them on other blogs totally alone, no top part was put on, and I instantly knew why, which just made me more intrigued and challenged - part of this thing about styling has also to do with big packs of patience, a good (mind's) eye and sometimes luck, as the item you're looking for simply doesn't exist inworld. However I did it and felt satiated. The results can be checked above, the clothes bellow:

Hair - Madesigns - Dora
Jacket - Ladies who lunch - Inventor jacket
Shirt - Emery - Tank R.F.
Trousers - Tableau Vivant - Cossak trousers
Boots - CheerNo - Victorio
Pose - Morphine

***Picture taken on Nirans Viewer

Ah this is the soundtrack, I'm in love with this song:

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